
In support of Bulgarian sports

             In times of difficulties experienced by Bulgarian athletes in their training at a high professional level, Incotex Trade Europe Ltd. became a sponsor of the football team of "Balkan 1929" - Botevgrad.

            The local young football players are among the best in the Southwest League and in the first half of the 2021/22 calendar they finished on first place! With the provided financial support, the football team will have the opportunity to provide a better material base for training, as well as to maintain a better selection and competitiveness in the championship.

            Incotex Trade Europe Ltd. also supports other sports initiatives in the town of Botevgrad in the name of the responsible social task of supporting Bulgarian sports. We believe that all successful companies in the country should have a focus and care for the good physical culture of young people, and the cultivation of high sportsmanship and goals should become a foundation and a requirement for future winners.